Tel : +971 4 289 5566 | Fax : +971 4 289 4570


DENYO POWER GENERATORS are partners of our civil life

Denyo power generators are capable of generating power in various situations where public power supply is not available. They contribute to build infrastructure of society and are highly appreciated by customers all over the world.In a variety of situations like civil engineering works and construction works to build infrastructure of our society.Denyo engine power generators are capable of providing power at various sites where power is required like civil work and construction sites as well as are also employed in various facilities as emergency power source for critical equipment like medical equipment in hospital, bank online system and traffic signals etc.

As the power source in the areawhere electricity is
As the power source in the construction site. As the Emergency power source in the hospital.


The DCA Series generators are complete, stand alone generating sets. All models consist of a Denyo alternator which is directly coupled to a diesel engine. The alternator and engine are set on a common skid base. Special vibration isolators are used to minimise vibrations during operation.The generator and electrical components are fully enclosed
in a solid-steel,weatherproof bonnet.Noise suppression is achieved using highly effective sound insulating materials.



The Denyo generating system guarantees the following levels of performance:
TEMPERATURE RISE : 100° temperature rise at 40° ambient JEC2130

VOLTAGE REGULATION :Within ± 0.5% (except DCA-400SP, 400ES)
FREQUENCY REGULATION: Within ± 0.5% through noload to full-load.
VOLTAGE WAVEFORM : Deviation Factor of open circuit terminal voltage does not exceed 0.06.Telephone Influence Factor (TIF) is less than 50
ELECTROMAGNETIC INTERFERENCE LEVEL : Attenuated to meet most commercial requiremnts
INSULATION RESISTANCE : Higher than 3 Mega-ohms, measured between armature windings and ear th, f ield windings and earth, field control circuit and earth.

  • The innovative excitation system* fitted on all models, in conjunction with the AVR and advanced brushless generator,provides fast vol tage regulat ion in response to load variations, enabling use soon after start up. This system provides output stability during load variations.
  • Synchronous brushless alternator for minimal wear.
  • Designed to function in all climatic conditions.
  • Will safely power the most sensitive loads, such as thyristors, invertors and computer systems, without the risk of damage to these loads, thanks to the high level electrical characteristics of the generator’s output.
  • Easy starting and quick response.
  • Utilising highly reliable diesel engines with low fuel consumption, manufactured by Japan’s leading engine manufacturers.